Thursday, June 18, 2009


"Abba." The young woman referred to God as Abba when she prayed. Abba means "daddy." I couldn't imagine doing such a thing. So, what was she thinking? How rude. Disrespectful. Arrogant. I mean I knew God. Back when I was a little girl, I gave my heart to Him. Because God is God. Father. Holy. Righteous. But "daddy?" Surely calling the Lord God Almighty "Abba" was over the top. Bordering on the unpardonable. Years later, I realized that I envied that woman and the way she so naturally called my Loving God "Daddy." But God worked with me. Loved me. Showed me mercy. Grace. Compassion. That I didn't deserve. He just kept right on, though. Loving His little girl. I watched as my darling husband loved our children. Unselfishly. Sacrificiously. Unconditionally. Still does. Always will. God showed me that's how a daddy should love. That's how He loves. Finally, I realized the real reason that I couldn't say "Abba." Fear. I was afraid of Him. I guess fear of my earthly daddy carried over to God. In some kind of twisted thinking. I embraced the truth of Psalm 25:15: My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare. God wanted me to look at Him. Not at all of my fears. When I focused on Him, He released me from the snare. From the bondage of the past. Because Jesus took all of my sin and all of my fear to the cross, I can call my God. The Holy One. The Righteous One. I can call Him. "Abba." "Daddy." Sweet dreams, Deb


  1. I imagine it a very hard leap to see Father God as loving considering the road you've walked. Research tells us that our earliest inclinations of who our God IS, is most shaped by the roll of our earthly father. When that begins on shaky ground, it's an uphill climb. Thankfully, you've made that climb.

    May God graciously continue to show you his perfect love and kindness all the days of your life.

    How thankful I am to be able to call him Abba too.


  2. Deb,
    What Elaine says is so true...we do view our Heavenly Father through our experience with our earthly fathers. I winced at your experience and hurt with you. Amazingly God has been transforming that experience for you. I also know that it takes a long time to 'clean' those old graveclothes and I pray that He showers you with His Fatherly Presence wherever you go...

    Thank you for dropping by my second blog with your kind thoughts..
    Love, Sita

  3. Jesus said, "Gather the fragments so that none is that none of the potential that is still left in them is lost."

    As kingdom artists we recognize that the potential is in what appear to be fragments of our lives.

    Therein lies the strength of your post. You have tasted and seen that He is good.

    Releasing our gifts for His glory,


  4. God is good. He works to bring good out of tough situations. Always loving us.

    Our Abba is wonderful!

    I love to read your comments.

    Thank you for sharing.
