And I guess I should mention that yard sale season is also in full swing. Two weeks ago, I scored the cutest, little two-tiered-round-already-distressed-and-just-the-right-size table for my living room. For only eighteen dollars!
Plus, I've been helping my darlin' hub with some yard work. Okay, okay. You know me too well, sweet girl. Yes, he does ALL of the mowing, weed-eating, and edging. But I HAVE put pine straw in the flower beds and pulled a few weeds. That should at least qualify me as his assistant. Shouldn't it?
Oh, and wrapping of school year is such a stressful time for me. I have timelines to manage and meetings to schedule all before school is over for this term. But I have good news: Summer is almost here. Only sixteen more days!
This summer, I plan to work toward becoming more disciplined and more consistent about blogging.
So for now, let me share a verse with you that a friend sent me yesterday.
"God is not a man that He should lie, or a son of man that He should change His mind. Does He speak, and then not act?" (Numbers 23:19)
Has He spoken a word to you, sweet girl? Maybe a long time ago. Maybe just a few months ago. Maybe yesterday.
Have you seen His word to you become reality? Maybe not yet.
He has spoken a word to me. I haven't seen the manifestation of His word to me. Not yet. And I first heard Him speak about this thing several years ago.
Let's remember that our God is a God who speaks truth. Our God is truth.
Our God does not change His mind. His ways are right, and they are just.
Our God is not a god who speaks but does not act.
If He has spoken a word to you, believe Him.
Our God never lies.
He will make the thing that He spoke to you become more than a dream. More than a fleeting thought.
His word to you will one day become your reality. And the whole world will see. They will see the glory of our living, loving God.
Sweet girl, this is the season to believe.

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