Sunday, November 15, 2009

Over the Top

Tea, a new blogger, is writing a novel and is participating in NaNoWriMo. So far, she has written 23,709 words. Way to go, Tea! She received this Over the Top award for her blog and has passed it along to me. Thank you so much, Tea. The rules for accepting this award are to copy and change the answers below to suit you and pass it on. Answers can only be one word! Pass the award to your favorite bloggers and alert them they have been awarded. Here are my answers to these questions: 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your hair? brown 3. Your mother? wonderful 4. Your father? sad 5. Your favorite food? Mexican 6. Your dream last night? weird 7. Your favorite drink? water 8. Your dream/goal? writing 9. What room are you in? office 10. Your hobby? decorating 11. Your fear? everything 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home 13. Where were you last night? home 14. Something you aren’t? singer 15. Muffins? sure 16. Wish list item? 17. Where did you grow up? Alabama 18. Last thing you did? ate 19. What are you wearing? shorts 20. Your TV? den 21. Your pets? none 22. Your friends? good 23. Your life? great! 24. Your mood? content 25. Missing someone? hub 26. Vehicle? white 27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes 28. Your favorite store? Target 29. Your favorite color? blue 30. When was the last time you laughed? today 31. Last time you cried? yesterday 32. Your best friend? husband 33. One place that I go over and over? Walmart 34. One person who emails me regularly? sisters 35. Favorite place to eat? Casa Napoli

I think that the following blogs are over the top, and I want to pass this award to them:

Melinda at

Mary Leigh at

Prairie Chick at Teresa at Becky at

Sweet dreams,



  1. Hi Deb,
    You did great on your answers. I'll have to think on that a bit. Thanks for passing it on to me sister:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

  2. enjoyed reading your answers :)

  3. Aw, thanks Deb! I'll be sure to "play" sometime this week and pass the love along. ((((Deb)))).

  4. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hopefully your daughter will get to wear her boots! Think I am needing some new ones myself!

  5. I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Deb!

  6. congratulations!

    You deserve this award!


  7. You are so deserving of this award. You are always an inspiration to this mom who struggles - who needs to be lifted up and encouraged - thank you so much for thinking of me - you are such a blessed gift from God!
