Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Best Seat in the House

Singer. Songwriter. Musician. Underestimated and humiliated by his brothers. Sometimes overlooked by his own father. A shepherd boy skilled in slaying wild beasts. And giants. Still, to his family's amazement--and his--he was awarded the best seat in the house. The throne of Israel. This man's name? King David, son of Jesse. Now, God's anointed man wasn't perfect. David fell into some serious sin. Once he committed adultery. And attempted to conceal his sinful behavior by having the woman's husband murdered. But when God confronted David about his sordid affair, David confessed, repented, and turned toward God. God forgave him. David accepted His forgiveness. Later, David wanted to build a temple for the Lord. God, however, had a better plan: You will not be the one to build the temple; your son will build it. But I will establish your throne forever. Look at David's response to this revelation from God: Then King David went in and sat before the LORD...(IChronicles16:16a). Can you believe that? He sat down. Shouldn't he have issued some sort of proclamation. I think that I would have done something. Like call all of my friends to tell them the great news. Send everyone I know an E-mail. And, of course, post the message on my blog. David didn't do anything like that. He got with God. Alone. Quiet. Still. He took a seat. Humbled himself. Talked about God's attributes. God's mercy. God's worth. Not his own. Why did David do that? I think that he sat before God because he wanted God more than he wanted what God could give to him or could do for him. Sitting before our loving God. Our Savior. Redeemer. Friend. Is the most important thing that we can ever do. Are we taking the time to sit before Him? We have to take the time. If we don't, it won't happen. Time will get away from us. We'll get distracted. I know that have fallen short when it comes to sitting in His presence. I am learning that if I don't sit down with Him the first thing each morning, it probably won't happen later in the day. Too many distractions. Like blogging, for example. If I become so enthralled with reading comments--checking to see if I have any new followers--how many hits I have--that I neglect Him and His word, then I'm in big trouble. If I try to write without hearing from Him first, then my words will fall from this screen. Flat. Fake. Full of futility. On my own, I have no words of substance or significance. But His word. Quick. Sharp. Powerful. Piercing. Able to transform us. From pridefulness to humility. From sin to salvation. From despair to hope. Now, that's what I desire to share. That's my dream. Think about where you are today and all that you have to accomplish. Taking care of our families. Working. Church involvement. All of these things are important. They have to be done. David had plenty of things that required his attention. I mean, after all he was the head of state. But he put God first. Let's follow David's example. Let's sit down first. Before our Lord's throne. Listening to Him. Learning from Him. And loving on Him. Go ahead. The best seat in the house has been reserved in your name. Sit with Him for a little while. Sweet dreams, Deb


  1. It is humbling to realize that the king of the universe is seeking us to spend time with him. Our King is the One Who sits above the heavens, and He is ultimately greater than any human king or president. I stand in awe of this, that Our God, Our King seeks our company and longs for us to spend time in His presence. How often have I have brushed this invitation aside!

    Thanks for this post, Deb.

  2. Taking a seat. What a picture. I find myself having to do just that at times, rather than rushing about with my agenda before the Father. Just taking a seat, planning to get comfortable and stay a while. Thanks for a good, timely reminder.

  3. David heard that his son would fulfill his dream...to me that must be one of the most difficult things...to obediently step back and watch as someone else carries out the passion in your own heart. He surrendered to God's plans in such humility and rejoiced in the opportunity given his son. He sat before the Lord, not in anger and disappointment, but in worship. Beautiful.

    Thanks for this reminder. God desires my being more than my doing.

  4. Mmmm... I LOVE this. I get all warm inside when I cozy into my window seat with my bible in hand and my steaming morning latte on the window sill beside me and do you know what I do? I picture my feet in His lap. Sacreligious? Not at all... True, He's the King of the world, but He's my FATHER and he LOVES to have my feet in His lap and my eyes on Him. I'm liking this place of yours...

  5. When we come face to face with our sin and in the presence of God, we, like David, are prone to a humble posture before God.

    Been there. Still there. Tried to leave a time or two or hundred, but I am a woman who's been forgiven much. I have no one else to validate my worth. Only Jesus is able.

    peace to you this weekend~elaine

  6. beautiful post. great reminder for our busy lives...

    thanks for the sweet comment you left me the other day. It was just one of those days!!! :)

  7. The best seat in the universe...WOW!

    In my ever growing list of things to do and then I use Saturday to play catch up...what a much needed reminder.

    Thank you!

  8. I love the way that God has inspired you to share your thoughts only after spending precious time with Him. It is obvious to me that your desire is to draw others into this wonderful intimate time with the Father. What joy that must bring Him as He sees how you use what He has given you in this special one on one time. What a gift He has entrusted you with, my friend. You are helping others, like me, to see the benefit of knowing Him, above the benefit of simply chasing after that which we think we should be doing. You are helping me to remember the value of the invitation to sit with my Savior and Lord and actually be able to call Him friend. That is inspiring!
