Saturday, May 16, 2009

Gas War

Bad things seem to happen to me at gas stations. Gasoline pumps confuse me and make me nervous. Sometimes, I can't figure them out at all. Fortunately, I have learned to operate the ones at Murphy USA. Insert card. Remove card quickly. Select debit or credit. If debit, enter PIN. Processing. Authorized. Select grade. Remove nozzle. Pump fuel. Driving home from work, I see that the gas light indicates that my car needs fuel. So, I swing by Murphy. I know the routine; this should be an uneventful task. However, it appears that everybody in town needs fuel as well. At 3:45 in the afternoon, the place is wrapped up tight. Maneuvering through these busy lines will require attentiveness, skill, and patience. Right now, I'm negative in all three areas. Because my tank is on the passenger side, I pull up to the lane going in the opposite direction of the truck that's already there. I leave the driver enough room to pull forward. He finishes and then drives away. It's my turn. But before I can pull into position, another driver swoops in, gets out of his truck, and fills his tank. The smirk on his face reveals that he knows that I was in the lane first. How rude! Then, after pumping the gas, he gets back into his truck, pulls up next to my car, and rolls down his window. For some bizarre and unaccountable reason, he's angry with me. He admits that he got ahead of me, but he doesn't apologize, He accuses ME of causing confusion. I reply, "I'm not confused." He continues to berate me. "Why didn't you back up to the pump like that woman over there did?" Like that's his business. With total disdain and complete disregard, this stranger drives off shouting at me, "You're just a WOMAN driver!" A what kind of driver? I know that he didn't say "woman" driver. He got ahead of me. He insulted me. I am indignant. But I manage to control my emotions, and in a drawl as sweet as cane syrup, I say, "Wayull, you have a blessed day." Right? Absolutely not. True to my for-such-a-time-as-this-feisty personality, I retort,"And you are just a jerk!" As soon as the word "jerk" leaves my mouth, I hear a sweet, little angel's voice coming from the booster seat in the back of the car, "Nonnie, what's a jerk?" That little angel would be Korie, my granddaughter. So now, I have to explain my use of a reckless word to a four-year-old. And my ridiculous, prideful behavior to God. I have so much pride to surrender. I have so much to learn about humility. Jesus provides us with the ultimate example of humility. He was and is the Darling of Heaven. But He left that sanctuary to come to earth for us. He suffered humiliation and rejection and many other things because of His great love for us. Paul points us to Christ's humility and His love. Paul writes, And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross! (Philippians 2: 8). Christ humbled Himself because He loves us and because He loves the Father. Obedience to the Father requires that we humble ourselves and that we love others. Not easy. But so worth it when we try. Sweet Dreams, Deb


  1. Great illustration, Deb. Even if it makes me squirm a bit in my chair for its familiarity. Blessings.

  2. Wonderful. At least your frustration makes us laugh and say...."We have been there too"

    Loved it....

